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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

INGREDIENT: Miracle Fruit

Ready to hear about the coolest fruit that you probably have never heard of? Are you sure....?
Okay well ready or not, here it is, its called: THE MIRACLE FRUIT, wanna know why, its because this litte bean-like thing:
CHANGES THE TASTE OF SOUR AND MAKES IT SWEET! Yes, you heard right.. imagine drinking vinegar and it tasting like apple juice, or having WARHEADS and it tasting like a jolly rancher. YUP, thats the power of this little bean!

If you wanna buy this cool fruit:


  1. Wow!! This is awesome! Where can I buy this?? Wholefoods?

  2. It's very hard to find the fruit fresh, but on the link above, you can order it! :)


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